Update 11/4/16: My nephew's Halloween Costume was none other than St. Charles Borromeo this year!
Also here is the exact quote from Karol Wojtyla about the origin of his name:
- My joy is all the: greater because I am meeting you in this famous hospital called after Saint Charles Borromeo, whose name was given to me by my parents at Baptism.
My nephew's name is Charles--so this post has tremendous significance (my brother and I attended St. Charles high school)
Benedict XVI, in an Angelus dated November 4th 2007, recalls both St. Charles Borromeo and Karol Wojtyla as “two great men of the Church, distant in time but close in the Spirit”.
Lastly he remembers, “venerable predecessor John Paul II, who with devotion bore St. Charles' name."
Blessed John Paul II, the former Karol Wojtyla, was indeed named for Charles Borromeo and during his pontificate, November 4th was a national holiday for Vatican City State.