Knowledge and sight of the true Church allows men to know
who they’re fighting for and defending against the world, flesh, and the
devil. These latter enemies seek to show
the Church as divided, Corrupt, Limited, and Chauvinistic. The True Marks are: One, Holy, Catholic, and
Apostolic-- as the Nicene Creed indicates.
My first realization of the reality of the Marks of the Church was at a
Diocesan Men’s Conference in which the local Bishop celebrated Mass after men
had opportunities for confession and adoration.
This event opened my eyes to the fact that the Body of Christ is united,
set apart, multi-faceted, and composed of true Servants of servants.
We can apply to the Eucharistic mystery the very words with
which, in the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed, we profess the Church to be ‘one,
holy, catholic and apostolic’. The Eucharist too is one and catholic. It is
also holy, indeed, the Most Holy Sacrament. But it is above all its
apostolicity that we must now consider (#26).
He goes on to explain the importance of the Apostles and
their successors in handing down Catholic Tradition:
the Church is apostolic in the sense that she ‘continues to
be taught, sanctified and guided by the Apostles until Christ's return, through
their successors in pastoral office: the college of Bishops assisted by
priests, in union with the Successor of Peter, the Church's supreme pastor’. Succession to the Apostles in the pastoral
mission necessarily entails the sacrament of Holy Orders, that is, the
uninterrupted sequence, from the very beginning, of valid episcopal
ordinations. This succession is
essential for the Church to exist in a proper and full sense (#28).
As I said, I truly saw this reality unfold at a Men’s
Conference themed, ironically, on the Eucharist. I did not connect the words of the Creed with
what I saw at that time, but I vision returned to me often when I heard the
words of the Creed. I was teaching a
Catechism Class in Detroit when it finally dawned on me that the Marks captured
exactly what I saw at the Conference: “Uno, Sancta, Catolica, y Apostolica” as
the Catechist book titled Una Sola Fe, Un Solo Señor. The faith is literally understood in every
language and by every people across the globe!
[1] POPE
DE EUCHARISTIA. Given in Rome, at Saint
Peter's, on 17 April, Holy Thursday, in the year 2003